L.G. Document Preparation Fees
The fee schedule does not include court investigator fees.
Guardianship Petition
- Person Only: $1,000.00 (Temporary Petitions — add $200.00)
- Estate Only: $800.00
- Person and Estate: $1,200
Conservatorships and Limited Conservatorship Petitions
- Person Only: $1,000.00 (Temporary Petitions — add $200)
- Estate Only: $600.00
- Person and Estate: $1,800
- Living Wills (Advanced Healthcare Directives): $500.00
- Last Will and Testament: $600.00
Durable Power of Attorney
- Health Care: $500.00
- Finances: $350.00
- Both: $700.00
- Revocable Living Trust: $800.00
- Pour-Over Will: $300.00
- Grant Deed: $200.00
- Trust, Pour-Over Will, Power of Attorney, Deed: $1,800.00
- Small Claims Petitions: $450.00
- Fees vary depending on location of the document to be sent. Range between $200-$500 plus $75 for each additional page.
- Will file documents for an additional $50.00
- Service Package (Preparing and Filing Documents, Sending Notice, and Paying Fees): $1,800.00
- Primary service area: Solano County